Bridging Programme

Bridging programme information


This programme will give you and the faculty the opportunity to evaluate your readiness to undertake the research dissertation.


This bridging programme will be delivered over three months via distance learning /on line contact. It offers potential applicants an enriching professional and personal experience of contemporary Gestalt theory, philosophy and practice. It will focus on the development of a portfolio which is required as part of your application to enter Module 4.

A completed portfolio will comprise of:

  • a detailed resume with a clear outline of previous qualifications and relevant CPD.
  • a minimum of 2 references as to your suitability to study at this level. One of these references must be from your current supervisor.
  • a summary of your client and supervision hours to date.
  • a brief personal profile of you and the Gestalt therapy theory and philosophy that informs your practice (1000 words)
  • completion of two written pieces of work (approximately 3000-4000 words)
  • identification of an area of your practice that may be of interest to you as a research topic.
  • a designated GII tutor in a series of one-to-one tutorials will accompany you in the preparation of this portfolio. You will be given a guided reading list and feedback on assignments submitted.

Benefits of the bridging programme

  • Opportunity to critically reflect on aspects of your psychotherapy and supervision practice in a supportive tutorial relationship
  • Identify an area of your practice that you may be interested in researching
  • Familiarise yourself with contemporary embodied, field-relational Gestalt Therapy resources that will be enriching for you and your practice
  • An entry point to join a developing embodied practitioner-researcher Gestalt community
  • Attain 25 hours of CPD


The programme fee is €695.00 which must be paid when you submit your registration form.

Initial enquiries to  1 July 2025