Invitation to meditate together
It is so lovely to see the blossom coming out! Nature goes on at this difficult time and so does our Institute. The faculty of GII has been working hard to make sure that students are supported and quality training can continue. Our programme has moved online which has proved a steep learning curve for all of us but we seem to be adapting well.
The thing that we are all missing terribly is the sense of deep connection with each other which we get when we gather face to face. So, for our students on the programme, we have organised weekly drop-in sessions for an hour every Saturday morning. These offer an opportunity for the community to have, in part at least, some sense of the social connection we experience when we are in Teach Bhride. So far, they have worked well, allowing us to share recipes, gardening tips and humour – all much needed ways of supporting each other through the challenges of this lockdown.
We have also been thinking about our wider Gestalt community – the postgraduate group, the colleagues who attend our CPD seminars and the facilitators of those seminars. We want to reach out to them and we have therefore committed, as an institute, to gather each Sunday morning between 9 and 9.15 to meditate together and keep you all in our loving awareness.
If you would like to join with us at this time each Sunday, or indeed if you would like to click on this link at any time, we would be delighted.